Benefits of Balance Training for Seniors

Benefits of Balance Training for Seniors

It’s estimated that about a third of all seniors 65 years of age and older experience some type of fall each year. Even a relatively minor fall can have potentially serious consequences, especially when it comes to maintaining mobility. Regardless of a resident’s physical abilities, balance exercises can help to prevent falls – just one of several potential benefits.

As a leading provider of senior care, Aegis knows that when properly incorporated into a regular fitness routine, balance exercises can help residents retain their mobility and independence, and can also:

  • Make Daily Activities Easier – Whether it’s making the bed or bending over to tie shoes, better balance can help Senior Living Residents successfully complete an assortment of daily activities. This also includes tasks involving stretching, like reaching for items on higher shelves and hair washing.
  • Encourage Additional Exercise – Once balance improves, residents often develop the confidence they need to enjoy other forms of exercise offered at your community.
  • Prevent Falls and Injuries – Studies find that exercise programs for seniors including balance training reduced falls that caused injuries by nearly 40 percent.
  • Burn Calories – Most balance exercises require some effort to remain stable, which can work several key muscle groups. As a result, regular balance exercises could help burn off some calories.


Balance Exercise Suggestions

Balance exercises do not require a lot of equipment, and can be as simple as:

  • Maintaining balance while walking between designated points (can be with assistance)
  • Standing on one foot (or a variation using a chair for support)
  • Walking while placing pressure on the foot from heel to toe
  • Lifting one foot off the floor (while standing with one foot in front of the other)


As with any exercise regimen, a resident’s doctor should be consulted to ensure that all exercises are safe for the senior to perform.

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